
About AwarerHOME™

AwarerHOME™ HIV口腔自测套装的敏感性为99.23%,能够正确检测出100次测试中的99次HIV感染。该测试的特异性为100.00%,这意味着它几乎从不会在某人没有HIV时错误地显示出他们患有HIV。

准确 - AwarerHOME™ HIV口腔自测套装是许多诊所和医院中许多医生用于HIV筛查的同一种HIV口腔测试设备。
简单 - AwarerHOME™ HIV口腔自测套装易于使用,无痛,可以在私密的地方轻松舒适地使用。
隐私 - AwarerHOME™ HIV口腔自测套装保证完全匿名。您的身份得到了保护,因为您不需要咨询医生,也不需要向任何方报告您的测试结果。

1. 无论其性取向或性别如何,从事性行为的个人;
2. 分享注射毒品使用针头的个人;
3. 认为自己处于风险之中并且从未进行过HIV筛查或被诊断为HIV阳性的个人,应该更频繁地进行测试,至少每年一次。

如果暴露于病毒超过3个月,AwarerHOME™ HIV口腔自测套装能够检测出HIV感染。如果风险事件少于3个月,您应该在HIV检测中心(私人诊所或医院)或任何政府医疗机构进行测试。



After being potentially exposed to the virus, it's recommended to undergo testing with the AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test after 3 months to detect an HIV infection. Following this initial test, it's also advisable to continue testing monthly to stay informed about your HIV status. If the risk event occurred within the last 3 months, consider getting tested at an HIV Testing Centre, such as a private clinic, hospital, or government healthcare facility.

You can get the results after 15 minutes. Do not interpret results after 30 minutes.

AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test has a sensitivity of 99.23%, correctly detecting an HIV infection in over 99 out of 100 tests. The test has a specificity of 100.00%, which means that it almost never delivers a wrong result by saying someone has HIV when they don’t.

Check the results of the test cassette. If you see a line at the “C” region, it means the test is working as intended.

A false negative result can be caused by:

  1. Testing too soon (exposure within the last 3 months)
  2. Antiretroviral therapy (ARV)
  3. Incorrect testing technique
  4. User misinterpretation

A false positive result can be caused by: 

  1. Pregnancy (<2%) and other medical conditions e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic renal failure; as well as tetanus and influenza vaccinations 
  2. Incorrect testing technique 
  3. User misinterpretation  
  4. Participation in an HIV vaccine clinical trial 

Place the oral swab only along the upper and lower gum lines to collect oral fluid, NOT saliva.

Personal Information

You are NOT obligated to report your AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test results to any parties.

For Malaysia- If you wish to, you can submit your test results on the “TEST NOW” platform
anonymously for data collection and analysis purposes. The website also provides basic information on HIV and a list of healthcare institutions you can go to for further assistance.

Furthermore, the result of this test kit is NOT conclusive. To confirm your HIV status, you may get a confirmatory laboratory test at a clinic or hospital.

It's important to note that reporting rules for HIV testing and diagnosis may vary in different countries. Some countries may require mandatory reporting of HIV cases to public health authorities, while others have laws protecting patient confidentiality. Therefore, if you are seeking HIV testing or treatment in a different country, it's advisable to familiarise yourself with the local regulations and policies regarding HIV testing and reporting to ensure that you understand how your personal information will be handled.

If your physician at a private clinic/ hospital conducts a preliminary HIV screening test or an anonymous rapid HIV test, your results will NOT be reported.

Most clinics and hospitals in Malaysia as well as in other countries offer confirmatory HIV laboratory testing. After conducting HIV self-testing, you may wish to select an institution that you are most comfortable with to get tested if necessary.

If you proceed to do a confirmatory HIV antigen or antibody test at private clinic/ private hospital and your test results are positive -  therefore confirming the diagnosis of HIV infection - your test results and identity will need to be notified to the Ministry of Health (MOH, Malaysia). 

Measures will be taken to keep your results confidential and only known to the physician who is serving you. Your information kept by the government and the healthcare
institution will not be disclosed to other parties without your consent.

Other Concerns

AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test is safe for use in pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You will need to remove the denture, wash off any adhesive paste on your gums and wait for 30 minutes before performing the AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test.

Scientists and medical experts agree that HIV does not survive well outside the body. This means that the risk of environmental transmission (spread) is remote. Therefore, if someone came into direct contact with your test stick, there is extremely little risk of transmitting HIV to them. Contact with saliva has never been shown to result in the transmission of HIV. Because your test result is positive you will need a second test to confirm your HIV status. Please see your physician or a healthcare provider to obtain a follow-up test in a medical setting. A doctor, clinic, or healthcare professional must confirm your AwarerHOME™ HIV Oral Self Test. Until your result is confirmed, be sure to take precautions to avoid any chance of spreading HIV. In particular, you should avoid all sexual activities until you know your HIV status. You can dispose of the test in general waste; no extra precautions are necessary.